16 intranet statistics you need to know in 2024
Jonathan Davies
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19 mins read
Fri, Apr 12, '24
Intranets are an essential part of the modern workplace. Over time, they have evolved from static file depositories to dynamic platforms that connect your workforce, anywhere at any time.
When implemented effectively, intranet research has shown that these platforms can:
- Streamline your communication and workflow
- Help you retain employees
- Enable your teams to be more productive
However, most companies aren’t using their intranets to their full potential. An Intranet software like Happeo not only enables the sharing of knowledge, but also engagement and collaboration between teams. We’ve compiled the most important intranet statistics you need to know to help you avoid the pitfalls and reap the benefits of intranet integration. Check out our intranet infographic to help better understand the state of intranet usage today and see the benefits it can have for your business.
What is an intranet?
The idea of an intranet is undeniably tied with the development of the internet and the aim of providing faster access to information and more effective internal communication. Born around 1994-1996, an intranet is defined as a private network accessible only to an organization’s staff.
From its early days as a centralized information platform, intranets of today harness the connectivity of the modern world and include social features, collaboration tools, and project management capabilities. This increased functionality has led to an explosion of growth, with the Intranet Software Market projected to reach USD 36.89 Billion by 2027. Read on to find out why intranets are so vital and how you can use them to your advantage.
Why intranet stats are so important (especially now)
- A 2020 study revealed that nearly 74% of CFOs expect to permanently transition previously on-premise employees to remote work.
In today’s remote work environment, a closed system of communication has become the backbone of organizational operation and culture. Not only can intranets facilitate centralized information gathering, but it can also help raise employee engagement and productivity.
As the world continues to explore the possibilities of remote work solutions post-pandemic, a centralized information and collaboration platform is necessary for building a company culture and workflow that can span any distance or time zone.
- According to Zapier 16% of Gen Z and Millennial employees have quit their job because they felt the technology provided by their employer was inadequate.
Millennials and Gen Z-ers are entering the workforce with increasing numbers, bringing with them different expectations when it comes to workplace technology. Connectivity, an intuitive user interface, and the ability to collaborate from almost anywhere on desktop or mobile are things that employees expect from their workplace tools. Focusing on the employee experience will help organizations better meet the needs of this new type of worker.
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Intranet research on usage in companies
- While 72% of companies use social technologies in some way, very few are anywhere near to achieving the full potential benefit.
Many companies use internal communication platforms, but few succeed in fully implementing it into their workflow. Social intranets are packed with specialized features that have the power to streamline communication, empower workers, and collect valuable usage data. However most teams are only using a handful of these tools. Make sure you know all the features your intranet platform has to offer and invest some time into exploring how these features help streamline communication.
- Only 13% of employees reported participating in their intranet daily — 31% said they never do.
While the first intranets were static bulletin boards, today they are highly dynamic and personalised platforms. While this has massive potential to assist employees, modern intranets also run the risk of information overload. These platforms are meant to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing, not contribute to more confusion. Employees need to be at the centre of the strategy when it comes to maximising the added value of an intranet platform.
- 57% of employees see no purpose in their company intranet
Oftentimes, organisations invest time and effort into finding a cutting-edge solution and integrating it technically, yet forget to bring that same level of commitment when it comes to training their staff. Meaningful change is not just a result of new tooling, but also new behaviours. If employees believe in the value of their intranet and understand its purpose, they will be more apt to use it and use it effectively. Employees need to be front and centre when it comes to improving your digital workplace.
- 29% of intranet fail due to unclear governance, making it the reasons number one intranets don't succeed within organizations.
Other reasons for intranets failing to succeed are not making their purpose clear (25%), poor user experience (22%), and lack of personalization (18%). In 15% of the cases, intranets fail because of limitations in the search functionality. An Enterprise Search like Happeo’s lets your people search for content universally, not only throughout the platform but also through Gmail and files in Google Workspace.
- 22% of survey participants cite lack of executive support as the primary barrier to intranet implementation.
Without a strong commitment from the top, your intranet integration will not succeed. Employees take cues for management when it comes to behaviours and attitudes towards big changes. Business leaders must set an example for their staff and should be the ones motivating change, not undermining it. When it comes to achieving meaningful improvements, executives need to provide the spark to fuel the fire of change.
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- 72% of employees rate their intranet tools as fair to poor. Most intranets are hard to use, lack the social technology to make connections, and are used mostly for top-down communication of benefits and vacation days.
Intranets are constantly evolving, and so should the way you use them. Far too many companies have a ‘set it and forget it’ mentality when it comes to communications systems, neglecting to keep an eye out for increased functionality and new features. Platforms like Google Workspace have become increasingly dynamic, easy-to-use workspaces where employees can collaborate and connect from anywhere. Organisations take steps to stay on top of and integrate these expanded platforms will benefit with more employee engagement and productivity.
Statistics that measure intranet effectiveness
- A survey by Deloitte found that there was a 20% increase in employee satisfaction and a corresponding 87% increase in employee retention in organisations that implemented social intranets.
Many companies fail to realise that one of the most important factors driving employee motivation, satisfaction and productivity is an effective internal communication architecture. As organisations settle into a more flexible way of working, a digital hub for everything from project updates to water cooler chit-chat is essential to building your company culture both online and offline. Social intranets encourage bottom-up communication, helping employees to feel connected and stay in the loop.
- Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work.
People perform better when they feel heard and respected in their role. In order to achieve this, employers need to learn how to listen to their workforce and provide them with an equal opportunity to voice their opinions. Enterprise intranets encourage bottom up communication, can help facilitate feedback on every level of your organization and are a clever tool to motivate employees.
- 85% of employees said they’re most motivated when management offers regular updates on company news.
All too often, company news and information remains siloed or only gets shared on a need to know basis. Without any news or updates on the company status, your workforce may get lost in the tedium of daily work life and find it hard to stay motivated. Social intranets provide the opportunity to post news and updates in company-wide channels, allowing you to both share successes and acknowledge teams to inspire a more engaged workforce.
Benefits of an intranet
- Employees spend an estimated 28% of the workweek managing email and nearly 20% looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks. When companies make use of internal social channels, this time searching for information can be reduced by as much as 35%.
When companies use social intranet channels, their questions and comments become searchable content. Instead of sorting through various email chains, information is stored and shared in a more intuitive and accessible structure. Colleagues can also collaborate in real time and communicate with each other in a more manageable way.
- In a study measuring the intranet benefits felt by businesses, 85% of respondents noted faster access to information as a significant intranet benefit.
Given that employees spend so much of their time searching for information, providing an easy to navigate, centralized knowledge base can help save hours of scrolling through emails and messaging colleagues. Time and energy that is put into sourcing information can now be invested back into your workflow and give employees the space to better succeed in their roles.
- One research study found that over 50% of employees say that sharing of company information had a significant positive impact on their overall performance.
By increasing knowledge sharing through more intuitive intranet use, employees can improve their overall performance. Social intranets increase the ability to share important information and company news, helping loop employees in and keep them updated. This same study also found that increased information sharing is linked to a more efficient and productive workforce.
- By using social technologies, companies can raise the productivity of knowledge workers by 20% to 25%.
Social intranets not only allow employees to connect with each other in a more meaningful way, but also provide a more accessible and searchable base of information. When internal communication is streamlined, employees spend less time digging for information. This can reduce frustration and allow more time for actual work to take place. When correctly implemented, intranets can actually increase the productivity of your workers.
- In one intranet research study, companies that implemented a dedicated internal communication platform saw a 30% increase in employee engagement.
Empowering your employees through intranet tools can help them form a deeper connection with their role and the company as a whole. A dedicated platform for company communication ensures a single searchable knowledge base. Mobile friendly design and collaboration features allow workers the necessary flexibility in a new remote-friendly world. Read more on how intranets can engage employees.
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How an intranet infographic can help you
In today’s business environment, intranet platforms have become the digital workspace in which your company functions. Based on these intranet statistics, it’s clear that organizations that reap the most benefit from their intranet platforms:
- Have an internal communication plan in place
- Know what they want to get out of their intranet and communicate this to their workforce
- Listen to employee feedback and act when possible
- Stay up to date with the latest tooling and how it may improve their workflow
Applying these findings in practice requires you to select the right platform for the job. To help you find the tool that best suits your needs, download our intranet comparison guide.