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6 strategies to improve remote employee experience
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Jonathan Davies
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2021's latest buzzword, after "pandemic", "vaccines" and "unprecedented". The remote employee experience roughly translates to the experience that an employee goes through while working remotely, from their first to their last day at a company. To improve the employee experience of employees in general and right now with a focus on those working from home, organizations have been trying to develop employee policies or remote working policies.
A remote working policy is not about do’s and don’ts, it is about awareness of how employees feel and what they need while being away from the office. And rightly so – remote employees with positive experience are 28% more productive and 46% more engaged. As follows from that, companies that provide high remote employee experience have 25% higher profit and 37% lower turnover.
Before we make this sound unrealistically optimistic: those outcomes are achieved ONLY when the remote employee experience is made a priority. That happens when an organization focuses on providing the training, tools and support that remote employees need.
There is a lot of information on how to execute remote work successfully. But, if it doesn’t have the well-being of your employees at the center of it – you’re guaranteed to have short term results.
Remote work, can and likely will undermine some of your communications. Less frequent contact leads to feelings of loneliness and ostracism, which are guaranteed to ruin your employees’ experience with remote work. Did you know that 36% of employees are dissatisfied with the way Internal Comms is delivered in their organization? Your number one priority is to avoid that happening.
How to avoid a failing Internal Comms:
During uncertain times persistence and repetition are necessary. Your employees forget things under stress. Whenever you see the chance, repurpose your message onto new mediums to communicate it successfully. For example: a newsletter turned into a snappy short video.
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You can't keep an eye on everyone at all times, especially digitally. This is why your first step is to identify your organization’s internal influencers.
Give them the responsibility to take care of your remote teams. From personal-relationship maintenance to ensuring that everyone is on the same page for the day, they will help you improve the remote work experience of your employees.
How to find internal influencers to help you provide top experience for your remote workforce?
Think which people embody the culture of your organization the best. Whoever comes to mind, keep an eye on them. They will oil up the inner machinery of your organization, particularly in times of change.
Take a minute to give your channels a thorough look. Each communication channel provides a distinct user experience. Audit your communication channels, and designate the primary purpose of each. Keep track of what’s being said, for what purpose, and how.
Social intranets create a sense of community and help to boost teamwork when working remotely long-term. Messaging apps like Slack or Google Chat are a great option for day-to-day communication – keep them around for casual conversations.
Get your Internal Comms leaders active on these platforms, as this is where most of the fun is happening. GIFs, videos, games, can be a firestarter for a funnier, more relaxed workday. Your employees will pick it up from there.
Taking down things a notch – emails. Just the word might give you a feeling of boredom. We’ll make this one real simple and short for you:
A high-quality remote work intranet will provide substantial results to positive employee engagement and experience. They will help keep everyone in the loop in an entertaining, user-friendly way. A good intranet will play a role in your employees' remote experience.
You can easily make company-wide announcements, publish important files to your different publics, and manage everything from an all-inclusive dashboard. Employees really appreciate having their own social platform, especially if it’s easy to use.
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If you want your workers to have positive experience with remote work, video meetings can, and should be improved. You know that not everything is worthy of a meeting, but if you’re looking to address important subjects and maintain connection, video calls are the way to go.
Speaking of the last, staying on-topic during remote meetings is important. Think twice before bringing something up – is it urgent? Is it on-topic? If you can answer even one of these questions with a “no”, then find a different time and place. For example: you’re in monthly KPI-call. One person’s performance isn’t on par. Should you bring that up during the KPI-call?
Being far from the people we work with can be challenging at times. Fortunately, creativity is known for being enhanced when working with others. Much like making consecutive jokes with friends that get funnier by the minute, remote workers experience is improved when sparked by interpersonal relations:
If you want to take it up a notch, you can talk to your HR team to personalize team building activities. They will surely have ideas for improving remote employee experience as well.
Following up with things worth keeping in mind – people like getting to know each other better. Building a community will set the groundwork for improving employee experience with remote work.
Don’t be afraid to venture outside the standard stuff. Your company’s spark is created, not worked through.
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Following our tips is up to you – you know your company better than anyone, and depending on your working culture, you’ll know how to make the most out of it.
Before you jump to conclusions, keep this in mind: your employees are unlikely to want to be micromanaged. Our suggestion? Focus on creating a great chain of collaboration and a culture of feedback. At the end of the day, results will be cheered by everyone.
But what if you really - but like really - want to make the experience of remote workers positive? Two words: trust them.
Want to know how an intranet can help to improve employee experience? Read out blog: 8 ways to improve employee experience with an intranet.