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Introducing Happeo’s Full Branding add-on

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Jonathan Davies
2 mins read
How visible is your (employer) brand? Can your colleagues look at a set of colors and tell you which belong to your organization? How about outside of your office?
Your brand is much more than a combination of colors, fonts and values. However, if you want to reach that deeper level of understanding, the superficial first needs to be clear. Everywhere. That includes your company’s digital (work)space. That’s why we’re taking our already-rich customization one step further. Meet our Full Branding Add-on.
You’ve probably dealt with office branding before. One of the most important parts? The signage outside and on the doors as you come in. A custom login page works much the same – it allows your employees to see a branded environment before they’ve even logged in. Change your picture, description text, login prompt and add your logo. That’s what you’d call a quick win.
The URL you use to access your Happeo environment is the most present, consistent way to enforce your brand. Whatever you’re looking at in Happeo, it will always be there at the top of your browser bar! Some of our customers chose a simple URL with their company name in it. Others chose to brand the platform with its own unique name. Whatever you choose, that little extra flavor goes a long way to brand compliance.
Happeo can send its users an email to notify them of new posts. Another chance to showcase your brand to those inbox-addicts! Happeo’s custom notification emails allow you to change the logo in those emails, as well as the click-through button’s color and font, headline-text color and the email subject line.
The Full Branding add-on brings several touch points for your brand together in one package. Combine it with your brand’s colors and logo in the platform, and you’ve created a scalable approach to your internal branding.