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Comparisons Productivity

'Posting' vs 'Chat messaging' in enterprise communication

'Posting' vs 'Chat messaging' in enterprise communication

Perttu Ojansuu

3 mins read

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Internal communication has changed a lot during the past decade because of technology. There are several tools that make staying in touch easier than ever and the hardest part is choosing which tool to use. The amount of different tools also enable more ways to communicate.

We think 'Chat messaging' and 'Posting' are two unique communication methods and your enterprise needs them both!

"Ashley, will the presentation be ready in 30 minutes?", "Hi, John, do you have a moment for a quick chat?" and "Would anyone be ready for lunch now?"

'Chat messaging' is important and beneficial for organizations when communication is about quick matters that need immediate action.

On the comparison, 'Posting' helps organizations in the decision making process about important matters that need more time to evaluate. For instance, "Here is the guide for our new product. Please tell us what to include." and "Sales team, can you post some best practices that have worked with your current clients?" are good examples of posting.

Chat tools are important part of enterprise communication but they can have negative side effects too

No organization can live without chat. It’s essential part of our communication. For topics that need immediate action chat is the king. Chat reduces the use of formal emails and thus makes communication faster.

However, chat tools make us also easily distracted from our most important matters - our daily work. Chat notifications break the flow of a work day. Topics in a chat conversation can easily inflate from the original topic to unrelated ones. Chats positive effect, the simplicity of sending messages, is also it’s burden. Chat rooms comes easily noisy and irrelevant. The larger the company grows more employees need to filter information.

Chat rooms have become our new email spam box with lots of junk.

'Posting' solves the issue of chat messaging in big organizations

In large enterprise many decisions are made through a discussion process that takes longer than a typical chat conversation. Posting, commenting and liking topics are good ways to facilitate the decision making process in  a large group of people and everyone in the organization can feel involved with their own way.

Typically employees in large organizations are also discussing and collaborating from different time zones. “Posting” favors participation to a discussion from different time zones because people don’t expect to get answer immediately.

To keep everyone on track about the company updates large companies’ HR & Communications departments need to be clever in company top-down announcements. In this way of communication, posting wins over chat and email too. The noise of other messages within an email inbox and in chat threads gets the viewers attention easily. Thus, “Posting” in its own planned place gives the viewer clear place to follow top-down information. In this kind of space HR & Comms team are able to design, manage & track the announcements too.

The deep harmony between 'Chat' and 'Posting'

We at Happeo focus on enterprise needs of communication and collaboration. Chat is an important part of communication and you can choose which chat tool works the best for you. However enterprises have additional needs on top of that. We believe that a truly Digital Workplace for enterprises is much more than a chat. It’s a place where you’ll find all your company’s relevant information and where you can collaborate with your colleagues easily and in the most efficient way possible.

‘Posting’ and ‘chat messaging’ are both essential in different ways for effective decision making process.

Comparisons Productivity